Sunday 21 December 2014

We need Peace...!

I am a little late to write about the most tragic incident that happened in Peshawar (Pakistan). But the pain and grief is still there even after 5 days.
Who thought that its gonna be their last day at school, kissing goodbye to their mother and waving bye to their father for the last time. The whole world is touched and grieving over the little souls that we lost. What was their mistake, what harm did these children do to anyone..? What did a mother do, for taking away her son's life.? What did a father do that he has to carry his son's coffin on his shoulder..? What was the fault of his little sister or brother. The terrorist did not only take away the lives of 132 children but also their parents, which means 396 lives lost..! And how can we forget about the teachers who lost their lives with these children. Those brave teachers who were giving  knowledge and doing their duty.
My prayers is with each and every family of the victims. May God give their family patience and strength. And lets make peace in these world so that it could be a safe place to live.

Monday 24 November 2014

Please don't leave me.... CHOCOLATE

Today I got the most heart aching news and with a heavy heart I have to inform to all the chocolate lovers that chocolate is on the verge of extinction and by the time of 2020 there will be no chocolate left...!!! Can you believe that..? Instead of chocolate we will get palm oil and vegetable fats packed with raisins which will taste disgusting and nothing like chocolate. The reason behind this problem is that the cocoa-producing region are facing unfavorable conditions for the production of cocoa( the raw material used for producing chocolate)
I can not even imagine how we humans are even gonna survive without chocolate. What will happen to the entire mankind without chocolate..( okay I know, now I am exaggerating it a little bit.)
What will release our stress. The desserts will be incomplete without chocolate there is a saying 'If it ain't chocolate it ain't dessert," to which I totally agree. Widely celebrated festivals like valentines day, Christmas, Easter, Halloween will be incomplete and tasteless without chocolate. The icing on the cake will be tasteless for me without chocolate no cake can be called as cake. How parents will bribe their kids when there will be no chocolate. Lets just pray that the the cocoa producing regions get what they need
for the production of cocoa so that we can get enough chocolate to consume and to keep us happy..

Tuesday 28 October 2014

How to tackle bullying..

We have all gone through bullying or still going through it.
There are four steps to tackle bullying.
  • Do not react.
  • Do not give importance to what the person said about you.
  • If its going over the limit than inform it to some one elder.
  • DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT HARMING YOURSELF. Cause self-harm is not an option.
I know its not at all easy to hear stuff  about oneself but just don't react to it I know you feel terrible and sad when you hear something about you, but why does it even matter to you. You are not asking for that person's opinion than don't take it. And most importantly why are you giving that much importance and value to the person who is talking crap about you. It shouldn't matter to you. Just by reacting to the person you make them feel valued.
Sometimes I just don't understand people if someone says that "you look beautiful" you won't believe it and if someone says that "you are so fat or skinny" you'll believe it easily. Really why are you doing this to yourself. Keep the negativity out of your way because today we live in a society where a lot of judging and comparing is going on. It really doesn't matter what others (those who do not know about your struggle and hardships) think about you whats important is that you have your family and couple of friends by your side and they know your value and importance. You don't need the whole world to like you or praise you to make you feel better cause just few people are enough.

Tuesday 14 October 2014


 Who's there..? A cat...!!!
When your time is good, life gives you what you want not only this but it gets delivered at your doorstep.
So before writing anything else I have to admit that I am a cat lover. I just love cats and wouldn't mind spending my life with dozens of cats in my house. 
 Last night I was imitating like a cat and was asking my mom if we can adopt one. And as usual her answer was no because she thinks that the cat would turn her house into a mess. So today I was preparing for my test and there was a knock on my door. It was my sister and she said that "look Afreen there is a cat" and I was like "What a cat". The cat was actually abandoned by someone next to our room. And I was like "oh poor cat, lets go in my house" but than I remembered the consequences. So I gave her a bowl of milk. At first the cat was really scared but after a little interaction it was hanging on my front door. 
And after sometime we returned the cat in safe hands, I will never forget this day as I wanted something the other night and it was in front of me in the morning even though I get to spend a little time with the cat.

A heartfull apology

I am really sorry to my readers that I haven't updated my blog since June as I was not in a state to write anything. But now I have got my hands on keyboard and feeling a little motivated to write lately. So yup now I am back with my posts.
Once again sorry for not updating my blog

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Wait my dear wait...

My friends made me wait at the gate,
because they were late.
I missed the bus at eight,
because I was late.
My sister made me wait,
because she was busy washing the plate.
Everyone made me wait,
And even the trains were late.
The boss made me wait,
because he was having his cake.
The chicken made me wait,
because the chef was still decorating the plate.
My dress was tight,
so I need a diet.
Everyone made me wait,
For god sake;
c'mmon man I need a break.
                                          -Afreen Mhate

Monday 23 June 2014

I love my grandma..!

      Between the earth and sky above nothing can match a grandmother's love
My this post is near to my heart as this one is dedicated to my grandma.For a couple of years when I was a kid I stayed with my grandmother and grandfather as my mom and dad both were working. So I am very attached to both of them.
As I told that my vacation is going on so for few weeks I was with my grandma at her place. And there was no internet connection so for obvious reason I couldn't post. But I had so much fun with my grandma.
We plucked mangoes and chikoos (sapodilla) from our tree. We made Indian spices together. She taught me to cook. There was a wedding at our neighbor's house so every night we used to discuss what to wear. It was so much fun watching television with her. All I can say is my Grandma is awesome..!!! She is an awesome cook. Staying with her made me worried about only one thing what if I get fat eating all the delicious food my grandma cooks. I am glad that I got to spent so much time with her and for sure I am going to cherish this memories for a lifetime. 

Saturday 31 May 2014

You're beautiful..!!!!!

My this post is especially  for all the girls out there.
And I am not saying that boys are not beautiful, obviously you guys are beautiful.
C'mmon I am not telling a lie. Ohhk alright I don't know how you look, if your are black or white, tall or short, fat or skinny. But beauty doesn't always come by the way you look. Sometimes it is just how you are with people, how you treat everyone, how you feel about yourself.
 "Beauty isn't always about the looks, it is what is in your soul."-Afreen.M
And those people who tell you that you are ugly, are actually telling about what they have in their soul.
And all the guys out there, please please tell your mom, sister. friends, colleagues that they are beautiful. And girls please start believing that you are beautiful. If someone says it then they really mean it. So stop cursing yourself that you are ugly and believe that you are one of the most beautiful girl. Believe me YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL..!

Sunday 27 April 2014

I am lost.!!

Yup you read the title correct. Well I am not talking about getting lost in a jungle or on an island. Even right now you are lost somewhere.Though you are reading my blog but there might be different things going in your mind.
The dreamy heads get lost in their dream world (I am one of them). Some might get lost in their problems (Its of no use to over think about your problems it can only make it worse.So chill and try to think about the solution of your problem) . Some people might get lost thinking about their future (its good to think about the future but instead try working on your thoughts and make them come alive).
 And if talking about me except dreaming I am actually lost about what to choose regarding my studies and carrier and stuff like that. I am totally lost. Their are so much options regarding your carrier. Its like standing on a road where there are different signboards some saying go right, go left, go straight, take a turn, stop, caution etc etc....I am so confused. I hope someone comes and saves me or guide me.

NOTE:  If you want to advice me or guide me about studies, carrier and stuff like that I will be glad. And if you want some advice from me feel free to drop your questions/advises in the comment box...!! 

Saturday 19 April 2014

Everything in common.

My this post is dedicated to my best friend...!! Well we all have one.. I met her in 8 grade until then I had friends but not a best friend, at least not anyone like her. We have many things in common we even have same problems(hehehehe). She is there for me every time I need her, we are more like sisters. It feels good to have someone who is there for you whenever you need them except your family members.
It doesn't matter what caste,religion,race or language your best friend belongs to. What matters is that you both have the same favorite band, same hobbies and everything in common .A day without talking to your best friend feels like your life is off track and when you talk to them every thing falls in place. If you are going through a crisis then just pick up the phone and dial your best friends number, no one in the world can help you or suggest you better then them. I want to thank my best friend for  every memory, every fight, every laughter and
every thing we had together it would be incomplete without you....

Sunday 30 March 2014

Life as it comes....

I don't have any idea why I am writing on this topic. Well we all know that life is unpredictable. No one knows what is going to happen next. Even if we plan our life, life takes its own turn and lead us to somewhere we have never been. All we can do is accept life as it comes, even if it is not the best, we have to close our eyes and accept it. I am not at all saying that you can't plan or organize your life. Here I am talking about the worse circumstances. One advice- If something really worse happens in your life keep calm and accept it, believe me it will lead you to something good in future. Slowly and steadily the blur picture will become more clear and everything will fall in place. Don't regret if life is not going the way you have planned, whatever happens in your life will make sense after some time and you will be thankful for it.
And one last advice - Open your arms have a big smile on your face and accept life as it comes...!!

Saturday 29 March 2014

I trust u, I believe u, I have faith in u....

I trust you..... Three words but means a lot.
Trust can take years to earn and only a matter of seconds to lose..
 When someone says that they trust you do anything in this world but just don't break their trust. Because once broken it will shatter into pieces. No power in this world can gain or mend it back. You can try to get that persons trust back, but next time the person will be careful enough to trust you back. I am not saying that once you have broke someones trust you don't need to gain it back, of course you have to do that at least for your own sake because you wont be able to live with the burden that you are being unfaithful to that person who trust you more than anything else.
And those people whose trust has been broken by their near ones I will advice you give them one chance, because once they know what they have lost, the very next time they will be more concerned about securing your trust.
All I am saying is that give the person one last chance to get back what they have lost....

An Apology

Hi  Readers,
I am really sorry for not updating my blog. Its almost been 2 months that I haven't come out with a new post as I was busy with my exams.. I know how it feels to read same and the old post. But now I have my vacations going on so I have tons of time to write... I hope my readers will enjoy reading my upcoming posts..

Tuesday 28 January 2014

A good turn deserves another.

Today was the day when I made my mother proud of me as today I was awarded with two trophies for excellence in academics and panchratan. As
I was going with my mother to collect the award, in our way we found an old lady asking for directions to reach her destination. My mother showed her the directions and it took a lot of time to make the lady understand.I hope that the lady has reached her destination safely. As we reached the railway station there was a long queue at the ticket counter and we were already late for the function. Then I saw a lady who was about to reach the counter, I asked her to buy ticket for me and  gave her money. That lady helped me to reach my destination. And now it is clear to me that doing good to others will definetly come back to you in some or the other way. So I just want to convey you that do not hesitate in helping others because someone might help you when you need it. Don't keep the attitude that someone other will help the person, you be the one to help the needy. 

Friday 17 January 2014


Finally the day is going to come when I am going to say goodbye to all the people who shaped my life .
My teachers supported and encouraged me. It is  going to be really tough not only for me but for every student to wave goodbye to each other.After few months every hysterical laugh, every moment, every fights will turn into a memory of my school life. I just cannot thanks in words to those who loved me, supported me and appreciated me. All I can say is school life is the best life and I am really going to miss it..