Tuesday 14 October 2014


 Who's there..? A cat...!!!
When your time is good, life gives you what you want not only this but it gets delivered at your doorstep.
So before writing anything else I have to admit that I am a cat lover. I just love cats and wouldn't mind spending my life with dozens of cats in my house. 
 Last night I was imitating like a cat and was asking my mom if we can adopt one. And as usual her answer was no because she thinks that the cat would turn her house into a mess. So today I was preparing for my test and there was a knock on my door. It was my sister and she said that "look Afreen there is a cat" and I was like "What a cat". The cat was actually abandoned by someone next to our room. And I was like "oh poor cat, lets go in my house" but than I remembered the consequences. So I gave her a bowl of milk. At first the cat was really scared but after a little interaction it was hanging on my front door. 
And after sometime we returned the cat in safe hands, I will never forget this day as I wanted something the other night and it was in front of me in the morning even though I get to spend a little time with the cat.


  1. Hahaha, cute!
    Just imagined if you wished for something else! It would have come true!!!
