Tuesday 28 October 2014

How to tackle bullying..

We have all gone through bullying or still going through it.
There are four steps to tackle bullying.
  • Do not react.
  • Do not give importance to what the person said about you.
  • If its going over the limit than inform it to some one elder.
  • DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT HARMING YOURSELF. Cause self-harm is not an option.
I know its not at all easy to hear stuff  about oneself but just don't react to it I know you feel terrible and sad when you hear something about you, but why does it even matter to you. You are not asking for that person's opinion than don't take it. And most importantly why are you giving that much importance and value to the person who is talking crap about you. It shouldn't matter to you. Just by reacting to the person you make them feel valued.
Sometimes I just don't understand people if someone says that "you look beautiful" you won't believe it and if someone says that "you are so fat or skinny" you'll believe it easily. Really why are you doing this to yourself. Keep the negativity out of your way because today we live in a society where a lot of judging and comparing is going on. It really doesn't matter what others (those who do not know about your struggle and hardships) think about you whats important is that you have your family and couple of friends by your side and they know your value and importance. You don't need the whole world to like you or praise you to make you feel better cause just few people are enough.

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