Monday 24 November 2014

Please don't leave me.... CHOCOLATE

Today I got the most heart aching news and with a heavy heart I have to inform to all the chocolate lovers that chocolate is on the verge of extinction and by the time of 2020 there will be no chocolate left...!!! Can you believe that..? Instead of chocolate we will get palm oil and vegetable fats packed with raisins which will taste disgusting and nothing like chocolate. The reason behind this problem is that the cocoa-producing region are facing unfavorable conditions for the production of cocoa( the raw material used for producing chocolate)
I can not even imagine how we humans are even gonna survive without chocolate. What will happen to the entire mankind without chocolate..( okay I know, now I am exaggerating it a little bit.)
What will release our stress. The desserts will be incomplete without chocolate there is a saying 'If it ain't chocolate it ain't dessert," to which I totally agree. Widely celebrated festivals like valentines day, Christmas, Easter, Halloween will be incomplete and tasteless without chocolate. The icing on the cake will be tasteless for me without chocolate no cake can be called as cake. How parents will bribe their kids when there will be no chocolate. Lets just pray that the the cocoa producing regions get what they need
for the production of cocoa so that we can get enough chocolate to consume and to keep us happy..

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