Monday 23 June 2014

I love my grandma..!

      Between the earth and sky above nothing can match a grandmother's love
My this post is near to my heart as this one is dedicated to my grandma.For a couple of years when I was a kid I stayed with my grandmother and grandfather as my mom and dad both were working. So I am very attached to both of them.
As I told that my vacation is going on so for few weeks I was with my grandma at her place. And there was no internet connection so for obvious reason I couldn't post. But I had so much fun with my grandma.
We plucked mangoes and chikoos (sapodilla) from our tree. We made Indian spices together. She taught me to cook. There was a wedding at our neighbor's house so every night we used to discuss what to wear. It was so much fun watching television with her. All I can say is my Grandma is awesome..!!! She is an awesome cook. Staying with her made me worried about only one thing what if I get fat eating all the delicious food my grandma cooks. I am glad that I got to spent so much time with her and for sure I am going to cherish this memories for a lifetime. 

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