Sunday 27 April 2014

I am lost.!!

Yup you read the title correct. Well I am not talking about getting lost in a jungle or on an island. Even right now you are lost somewhere.Though you are reading my blog but there might be different things going in your mind.
The dreamy heads get lost in their dream world (I am one of them). Some might get lost in their problems (Its of no use to over think about your problems it can only make it worse.So chill and try to think about the solution of your problem) . Some people might get lost thinking about their future (its good to think about the future but instead try working on your thoughts and make them come alive).
 And if talking about me except dreaming I am actually lost about what to choose regarding my studies and carrier and stuff like that. I am totally lost. Their are so much options regarding your carrier. Its like standing on a road where there are different signboards some saying go right, go left, go straight, take a turn, stop, caution etc etc....I am so confused. I hope someone comes and saves me or guide me.

NOTE:  If you want to advice me or guide me about studies, carrier and stuff like that I will be glad. And if you want some advice from me feel free to drop your questions/advises in the comment box...!! 

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