Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 coming to an end :) :(

As we all know that 2013 is coming to an end we all have different feelings about it. Some people might feel happy that a hectic year is finally coming to an end and some people might feel  sad about a good year coming to an end. Right now I have mixed feelings about this year coming to an end I am 20% happy and 80% sad and I literally don't know the reason behind it. I wish that  2014 should be war-free, corruption-free, tension-free, happy, safe and joyful . I also wish that everyone should get love, happiness and all the things that they deserve. I have seen many people making new year resolutions but very few people take it seriously. Today each and every person is in mood to party with their loving ones and some might sit at home. I have an advice for the people sitting at home. Remember all the good memories as well as bad memories. The bad memories will help you not to repeat the same mistake you have done in past. Eat your favorite snacks, listen loud music, invite some of your friends and it will create a party atmosphere at your home itself. And at last a very HAPPY NEW YEAR..!!! to everyone out there reading my blog. 

Monday 9 December 2013

♥♡ Mumbai...♥♡

Mumbai is rich, Mumbai is poor 
Mumbai is fast, Mumbai is slow 
Little bit sweet, and little bit sour 
Sometimes it's hot but not too more.

Mornings are energetic and evenings are electric.
Noons are lazy but nights are crazy..!
Any one you ask out, he always say "I am busy."

Their is a lot of masti with a little bit of maska
Welcome to the city that cannot live without Bollywood Chaska..!
From cooker whistles to traffic horn jams,
From telephone rings and doorbell brings.
There are people connecting through BlackBerry pings..!

Sev puri and bhel puri are all Mumbai chaat..
Relishing it with spicy chutney is not an art.
From popcorn to ice-cream, all sold on cart.
Mumbai o Mumbai you are always close to my heart♥♥!

Where local trains usually runs on time,
And violently rushing for seats is not a crime..
Here 3 pm for lunch and 12 am to dine.
People face hardship but still manage to say they are "fine".

From Mt.Marry in Bandra to Mumba Devi in town
And ISKON in Juhu to Hajji Ali in Mumbai's Crown
Faith runs deep as the Arabian Sea.

Marathi,Punjabi, Gujarati and Bengali,
Everyone together celebrate Eid and Diwali.
Holi is colorful and Christmas is cheerful.
Spend some time here your life will be unforgetful..!

Billionaire to beggars, all found in this city.
Be careful dude, this place is a big witty..,
Over all this place is huge but pretty.
Mumbai o Mumbai you are a wonderful city...!!!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Age is just a number baby....!

We all are going to be old even if we don't want to. What comes to your mind when I say old age..?? Disease, grey hair, retirement, sitting on a rocking chair, watching your grand children play....... It depends how we take our life. On one hand we can be sad and regret about our ill health or ignore our ill health and be happy :) As we start ageing we come to know the value of each and every small things which we didn't notice before. The family becomes more important than anything else.
 I have made my mind that when I'll get old I'll have fun. I will do everything that I wanted to do but didn't had time... And for those who are reading my blog I will suggest you the same... Being old doesn't mean that you can't have fun, can't laugh, can't dance, can't fall in love... Being old means doing everything that I have mentioned. YES you read it right- fall in love well you can fall in love with nature, your pet, your grand children, your partner or anything....
I will also suggest you to spend time with your grand parents and parents. They have seen you growing up and it will not be fair to them if you don't share what is happening in your life. Do not make them feel undesirable or you don't care if they don't exist because this things affect them a lot. If your grand parents stay away from you so remove some time from your busy schedule and at least call them and ask how are they. By doing so they will simply feel happy.  They love you a lot so make them feel the same.
  Some people think that being old or old people are trouble to them. They get sick and ill. But why take old age as a bad thing it is going to happen to all of us even if don't want. For me being old is being a child again.  It is something that will give you time to read your favorite books, listen your favorite music, watching your favorite serials, etc.,

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Dream what you wanna do, do what you dream.

Dreams are not those which we see during sleep, dreams are those that don't let you sleep....!!!
We all have some kind of dreams...! And we also want them to come true, but are we really trying to make that dream come true. Just by wishing that your dream will come true is not enough, you need to work hard for it, struggle for it. It is much better to live your dream rather than just dreaming. And to make your dream come true you have to work hard for it , you have to sacrifice those obstacles  that are coming between you and your dream(it doesn't mean your friends and family) Because your family and friends are the only, who will cheer you up  at the end of your dream . We all have some or the other dreams for oneself  and we want them to become real. Some people dream to become famous, some want to meet their favourite celeb, some want to achieve great heights in their life. But for doing such things in reality one needs to do whatever it takes to achieve your dream. If you are sure that your dream is correct and it makes you happy than nothing is more important, it is worth chasing your dream. At the end what will matter is the joy, happiness and what you have achieved by making your dream a reality. It will be the most important and wonderful thing you have ever experienced...


Friday 1 November 2013

True Love

When someone talks  about love around me the first thing that comes to my mind is that does true love really exist...??? Because I have seen very few couples who are madly, truly, deeply in love with each other. Today I went to a sweet shop over there I saw a couple fighting over which sweet to take.  Like really, two people who do not agree about which sweet to choose are going to spend their whole life together, isn't that interesting?. I am in love with the concept of  love. Like really how can two people spend their whole life together with all those arguments, forgiving  each others mistakes, the care for each other and the way that they endure each other. Love is an important part of our life, let it be any type of love. One of my friend  is in love with her pet rabbit. Isn't that cute..?. We all have a soft corner in our heart for someone which cannot be replaced or filled. But right now I can see and feel shortage of love. People are so busy in their  life that they are not able to share their life with someone else. Love can  make life more beautiful and a better place to survive. Loving the right person is also very important.
Now you will ask me how do we know if the person is right. Well it is simple, if you are happy with a person and nothing matters to you more than being with that person is enough to let you know that the person is right for you.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


I am not a big fan of sorry. I don't hate that word,but I also don't like it. I hate it especially when people say sorry and don't mean it. People feel that saying sorry will solve the misunderstanding but somewhere it remains the same,the feeling that a harsh word engraved on one's heart cannot be erased by just saying sorry you have to mean it and try hard not to repeat the same thing, that can hurt other person.I also hate it when people say sorry and repeat the same mistake again and again,it is better that you don't say sorry.Because apologizing after repeating the same mistake is an insult for sorry.But if you really mean your sorry and it is directly from your heart than it can do miracles.If you know you are wrong and you just can't be stable with that feeling than it is worth saying sorry to the person you have hurt.We humans have created so many words that to with such a great meaning but are we really utilizing those words in a good manner..? Are we using them correctly to express our feeling...? I don't think so, that we are doing it in a right way.

Friday 25 October 2013

Goodbye Kiss

The most difficult thing to do is to say good bye to loved ones.In everyone's life there will be a phase when we need to say good bye even if we don't want to leave.While leaving,some people have tears in their eyes,some people say good bye to achieve their dreams,some people feel happy when they say good bye as they take back many sweet memories while leaving.There is only few words in good bye but the feelings and the memories behind it are a lot to make us feel that we are going away from something that is really important and matter to us.The word make us feel the value of the people and the memories we had with them.The dreary face that appears when we say good bye tells us not to leave and ask us to spent some more time.It also let us know the significance of our presence.Saying good bye is a part of our life.And at some point we have to kiss good bye to our life.....

Thursday 24 October 2013

Twilight lovers

    Before I start I want to confess that I am a huge twilight fan.I am in love with the concept of vampire and werewolf,how a human falls in love with a vampire and vice versa,the story at LaPush beach,the cold ones,the love triangle,the imprinting  and everything.                                      
   My favourite character is any guesses......well it is Jacob......!!! I just love how Stephenie Meyer has scripted its character and how Taylor Lautner has enacted it.I love his tattoo,his acting,his physique,the way he cares for Bella and later Renesmee,his craze for bikes and Bella.
  My favourite series is new moon and eclipse I love the story,transformation of Jacob and everything.
At some point  I was thinking that it would be so interesting as well as dangerous if some kind of super powers really exist.They would have their own rules,living as human but their inner soul completely unknown to us.And what if you fall in love with one of them.Both of you against the whole world it would be quite enthralling.But I guess it is something that will never come true.Unfortunately you won't be able to fall in love with a vampire or a werewolf.
 If you love Twilight than I'll recommend you to watch
Beautiful Creatures.Even it is based on super natural powers and how a boy falls in love with a witch..!!
           Let me know which is your favourite movie and you can also recommend me movies to watch..

Thursday 17 October 2013

Eid-ul-adha mubarak..!!!

Eid-ul-adha mubarak to those who are celebrating!!!I guess I am a little late to wish.And those who don't know much about it I have a little information for you.It is the Feast of Sacrifice celebrated by Muslims all around the world.It is celebrated to honor the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his only young son
Ismail as a submission to Allah's command and acceptance of his son for being sacrificed.Prophet Ibrahim blind fold himself and his son,so that Prophet Ibrahim's love for his son won't come in between the command of Allah.By the time Allah intervened Ibrahim with a lamb to sacrifice instead.
People wear new clothes,pray to Allah (Namaz),elders give eidi(gifts) to their kids and make sheer khurma.It is celebrated for three days.It is a day of happiness and celebrated with great enthusiasm.

Recipe of sheer khurma

Milk 1ltr
Dry fruits (Almonds,pistachios)
Cardamom 2-3
Sugar 8 tblspoon
Ghee 2-3 tblspoon

Boil almonds and pistachios.Remove skin of almonds.Stir fry dry fruits and vermicelli by using ghee in a pan for 3 mins.Remove it in a bowl. Add sugar and cardamom in milk and let it boil .Than add the ingredients which we have saute.Let it cook for more 10-15 mins.And your sheer khurma is ready..!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Time gets even better......when friends are together

Hiii...! As I told I am preparing for my boards and it is my last year of school.People ask me to value time.They want me to study hard nd achieve good grades and I am trying for that.By the time I am preparing for exam I have one regret in my heart that are this days and each moment spent with my friends are gonna come back.I doubt.
      Our life is full of relationships among them the special one is Friendship.A life without friendship is like a morning without sun.Believe it or not but we make friends for our selfishness.We need them to complete our life,we need them to make us laugh,we need them to solve our problems,we need them in each and every path of our life.We feel comfortable around them.They know everything about us.Friendship is something which we need to handle with care and love.Our elders ask us not to talk to strangers but do we think before talking to a stranger and being friend with that person, no we don't even think once,it happens automatically.It is better to clear the misunderstanding with your friend rather than spoiling the whole thing.When you will start to value your friends and friendship you will understand the value of life.

Friday 11 October 2013

The presence of mother...

Before starting I want to say a big thank you and give a big hug not only to my mother but each and every mother in this world.

 Some qualities of each and every mother I have noticed are:
They  protect their child in each and every situation just like a super hero.
They sacrifice their life just for our life to be a better place to live.
They always feel proud about their kids even if we are a looser for this world.
They  always want us to dream big.
And more than anything else they bring a new life in this world.

    The first thing I see in morning is my mom's face.I just can't start my day without seeing her face.Well for me she is the most beautiful lady I have ever met.She is the one who guides me when I am wrong.I am helpless and restless without her.She makes me feel complete.Everything falls in place after seeing her face or just by hearing her voice.Once my English teacher asked all of us in school to say thank you to our moms' for what they do for us.Everyday they serve us food,take care of us,do each and everything without uttering a word or complaining.The next morning while going to school I kissed my mom and said thank you,she gave me a cute smile.I'll suggest you to do the same,say thank you to your mom and catch her reaction.It will be the best thing you will ever see.Mothers' do so much for their kids and for that they deserve a thank you right...?

Thursday 10 October 2013

A little about me

I am Afreen I recently turned 15 yrs old nd I am preparing for my boards....It will mean alot to me if my posts will help others in any way..
          I am a day dreamer.I love to talk, this is the reason i am starting this blog.I am foodie.I can be lazy sometimes.I love dancing and watching movies.I cannot live without music it goes with me where ever I go.I have a dream to travel each and every place on the globe(common it does not cost to dream)but I want to make it a reality.I love to make new friends.I like to share information with others,according to me an information or idea shared has much value and worth than storing it in your head....