Sunday 1 December 2013

Age is just a number baby....!

We all are going to be old even if we don't want to. What comes to your mind when I say old age..?? Disease, grey hair, retirement, sitting on a rocking chair, watching your grand children play....... It depends how we take our life. On one hand we can be sad and regret about our ill health or ignore our ill health and be happy :) As we start ageing we come to know the value of each and every small things which we didn't notice before. The family becomes more important than anything else.
 I have made my mind that when I'll get old I'll have fun. I will do everything that I wanted to do but didn't had time... And for those who are reading my blog I will suggest you the same... Being old doesn't mean that you can't have fun, can't laugh, can't dance, can't fall in love... Being old means doing everything that I have mentioned. YES you read it right- fall in love well you can fall in love with nature, your pet, your grand children, your partner or anything....
I will also suggest you to spend time with your grand parents and parents. They have seen you growing up and it will not be fair to them if you don't share what is happening in your life. Do not make them feel undesirable or you don't care if they don't exist because this things affect them a lot. If your grand parents stay away from you so remove some time from your busy schedule and at least call them and ask how are they. By doing so they will simply feel happy.  They love you a lot so make them feel the same.
  Some people think that being old or old people are trouble to them. They get sick and ill. But why take old age as a bad thing it is going to happen to all of us even if don't want. For me being old is being a child again.  It is something that will give you time to read your favorite books, listen your favorite music, watching your favorite serials, etc.,


  1. Good one.. I can read a combination of two poetries i hav taught u all.. Good that u r taking note of dem n implementing it in ur blogs :))

  2. "Being old means being a child again", I really liked that sentence.
    A good one.
