Wednesday 13 November 2013

Dream what you wanna do, do what you dream.

Dreams are not those which we see during sleep, dreams are those that don't let you sleep....!!!
We all have some kind of dreams...! And we also want them to come true, but are we really trying to make that dream come true. Just by wishing that your dream will come true is not enough, you need to work hard for it, struggle for it. It is much better to live your dream rather than just dreaming. And to make your dream come true you have to work hard for it , you have to sacrifice those obstacles  that are coming between you and your dream(it doesn't mean your friends and family) Because your family and friends are the only, who will cheer you up  at the end of your dream . We all have some or the other dreams for oneself  and we want them to become real. Some people dream to become famous, some want to meet their favourite celeb, some want to achieve great heights in their life. But for doing such things in reality one needs to do whatever it takes to achieve your dream. If you are sure that your dream is correct and it makes you happy than nothing is more important, it is worth chasing your dream. At the end what will matter is the joy, happiness and what you have achieved by making your dream a reality. It will be the most important and wonderful thing you have ever experienced...