Monday 19 January 2015

Warning: Do Not Expect Anything

Well after so many days I am back to the place that belongs to me. So back to the main topic. When someone means to you something you automatically start to expect things from them, well its a human nature. But let me warn you do not expect anything from anyone because that expectation stabs you in your back. You are willing to give that much to the person but maybe that person never ever even thought of doing what you could have done for him/her.
Well this also goes to all the parents out there. Obviously being a parent you have a lot of expectations from your child but why burden them under your expectation. Maybe what you want for them, they don't want the same thing for themselves. You can talk to them about what you want from them, but don't force them. Leave it up to them, they'll fall, they'll stumble but then eventually they will understand that "yes, my mom or dad was right" or whatever they expect from me was good for me. " Expect less so it will hurt less."- Afreen Mhate

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