Sunday 30 March 2014

Life as it comes....

I don't have any idea why I am writing on this topic. Well we all know that life is unpredictable. No one knows what is going to happen next. Even if we plan our life, life takes its own turn and lead us to somewhere we have never been. All we can do is accept life as it comes, even if it is not the best, we have to close our eyes and accept it. I am not at all saying that you can't plan or organize your life. Here I am talking about the worse circumstances. One advice- If something really worse happens in your life keep calm and accept it, believe me it will lead you to something good in future. Slowly and steadily the blur picture will become more clear and everything will fall in place. Don't regret if life is not going the way you have planned, whatever happens in your life will make sense after some time and you will be thankful for it.
And one last advice - Open your arms have a big smile on your face and accept life as it comes...!!

Saturday 29 March 2014

I trust u, I believe u, I have faith in u....

I trust you..... Three words but means a lot.
Trust can take years to earn and only a matter of seconds to lose..
 When someone says that they trust you do anything in this world but just don't break their trust. Because once broken it will shatter into pieces. No power in this world can gain or mend it back. You can try to get that persons trust back, but next time the person will be careful enough to trust you back. I am not saying that once you have broke someones trust you don't need to gain it back, of course you have to do that at least for your own sake because you wont be able to live with the burden that you are being unfaithful to that person who trust you more than anything else.
And those people whose trust has been broken by their near ones I will advice you give them one chance, because once they know what they have lost, the very next time they will be more concerned about securing your trust.
All I am saying is that give the person one last chance to get back what they have lost....

An Apology

Hi  Readers,
I am really sorry for not updating my blog. Its almost been 2 months that I haven't come out with a new post as I was busy with my exams.. I know how it feels to read same and the old post. But now I have my vacations going on so I have tons of time to write... I hope my readers will enjoy reading my upcoming posts..